Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What Is It About Me?

When I finished getting ready this morning, I told my husband what a lucky man he is. He’s lucky to be married to such an attractive woman as me. hee hee Now the reason I told him this is because he’s always telling me how lucky I am to be married to such a good looking man.

Rewind a few weeks to my new haircut. I came in to work and one woman told me that she likes my hair. Then she proceeds to tell me that her son's hair looks kind of like mine… if he’s slept on his back all night. I didn’t even say anything, I just stared at her. Then she tells me again that she likes it. Do what? What kind of thing is that to say to anyone? Several people that overheard that told me later that they couldn’t believe she would say something like that.

Now fast forward back to today. My top is black, brown, dark limish green and a creamish color. It has a square neck trimmed in black and ¾ length sleeves trimmed in black. It’s a cute top. I got is from my secret sister for Christmas. I just so happen to have some dark lime green shimmery earrings that match it. They are dangly. I am excited that they match because I like the earrings and don't have much to match them.

So I’m standing at the copier and a woman asks me where I got my earrings. And not in a way as if she wants some for herself, in a way like she can’t believe I would be wearing them. I told her I couldn’t remember where I got them. Then she asks me if they don’t bother me touching my neck. Do what? Number 1, they really don’t touch my neck and Number 2, do what? I mean, really? Did you just ask me that? Do they bother me touching my neck?

The only reason I can think of that these woman are making rude remarks to me is that they are jealous of my style and beauty. This story has just come full circle. I am better looking than I originally thought this morning. Otherwise these “older” women would not feel the needs to make rude remarks about me.

I realize that not everyone likes to dress up or fix their hair or wear makeup or earrings or anything other than blue jeans and t-shirt. But don’t hate on someone that does.

Here's the earrings. They look almost like a cluster of grapes. They are very light and not uncomfortable at all. Shimmery....


Unknown said...

You have a unique fashion sense that some "older" people just don't get. I say have fun with it and see how outrageous you can get! Make it a game. You can wear some things that I just know I couldn't pull off, but you're a fancy kinda gal and I'm a plane Jane type!

I especially like the hair comment about it looking like her son after he slept all night and then throwing in another "I like it"....what the what??!!

Tanya said...

This post cracked me UP! Girlfriend, you are hot stuff and those earrings are precious and your sassy new 'do is fantastic! My advice is strut through work as much as possible and shimmy when you stop.

Unknown said...

Tell those women that they can stick it....

Um, I have those earrings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND, they look fantbulous with short hair! AND you are beautiful AND they can stick it....did I already say that?