Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hubby, the Preacher

I’m still trying to recuperate after my fall. I am so sore. I think I need bed rest for a week or so. I’m sure Hubby would love that!!! I’ve been so sickly during this pregnancy; he might just change his mind about more kids.

Speaking of Hubby, his dad was sick this past weekend, so he was not in church. He called upon Hubby to do a lil’ preachin’ on Sunday night. Church starts at 6 and is usually over about 7 or shortly after. The first 20 – 30 mins is spent on singing, announcements, offering, etc. The last 30 – 40 mins is the preachin’.

I was not able to attend because I was on bed rest all day, which strangely was ordered by Hubby. When he got home he told me it went well but he went a little long. I didn’t think anything of it. He said he got good feedback. I was happy for him because he loves to preach. (He even does it at home when I’m the only one in his audience… if you catch my drift.)

All the sermons are on the church’s website, so yesterday at lunch I took the opportunity to listen to Hubby’s. He preached for an hour. No, not an hour for the entire service, an hour just for Hubby preaching. And I could tell at the end he was trying to wrap things up quickly.

I could just imagine some of those people sitting in there looking at their watches as 7 came and went and Hubby was still going strong!! Ha ha That just tickles me because some people want to come to church and get in and out so they feel like they’ve done their Christian duty for the day. That’s not what it’s all about.

I’m glad Hubby did a good job and got good feedback. I’m glad he preaches what God lays on his heart. So many preachers today are worried about pleasing the people instead of pleasing God. I’ve got a good Hubby and an AWESOME God.

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